The Procedure for Reporting Irregularities aims to implement the provisions of the Floene Code of Ethics and Conduct regarding the reporting of irregularities. It enables any interested party related to Floene, including employees, members of social bodies, shareholders, bondholders, clients, suppliers, or partners, to report to Floene Ethics and Conduct Committee, any knowledge or well-founded suspicions of the occurrence of any irregularities or situations of non-compliance with the Floene Code of Ethics and Conduct or standards that support or address the topics listed therein.

Therefore, an interested party can report, on a confidential basis, any irregularities or non-compliance with the Floene Code of Ethics and Conduct or other Floene regulations through:

From the form below:

[email protected]

By letter to the following address:
Floene Ethics and Conduct Committee.
Rua Tomás da Fonseca, Torre C, 6th floor,
1600-209 Lisbon, Portugal